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Project phases

The bodywork design is the final results of demanding technical development, made of precise progress phases, connected and functional one to the other.

Fase 1

Phase 1 means the study phase upstream of the design.
Includes the following activities:

  • • Input definition and analysis
  • • solution and feasibility
  • • industrial design and lay-out
  • • time planning and progress phases
  • • cost evaluations

Fase 2

If requested by the Company, this phase concerns the engineering of what proposed in the first phase:

  • • Complete final 3D assembly to bodywork
  • • Technical drawings
  • • Technical output cam
  • • Drawings for mechanical carpentry
  • • Technical documentations

Fase 3

Phase 3 concerns the realization of the prototype.
Our activities in Phase 3 include:

    • • Possible search and selection of the productive partner
    • • Verification and control of target-costs.
    • • Technical assistance for the construction of the prototype

Fase 4

In Phase 4, any optimization activities following prototyping are carried out.

The assemblies, drawings and base lists for the mass-production of the bodywork are updated.

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